Couldn't agree more with some of what you say here...........I'm shocked how many fan's always want to take away a person's livelihood as a method of "punishment", simply amazes me!!!!
I don't believe for a moment that MU coaches or administrators believed that they were running a risk of harming DJ, but if Chuck has or thinks he has information that shows any level of "wrong doing" he is obligated to investigate and report it.........that said, he needs to make sure of his facts and make sure his sources are solid and verifiable (with respect to their "facts")
There is NO need for an adversarial relationship for sure, but it takes at least 2 to be adversarial.
Shoe I agree with your general statements of what should be. I admire your loyalty to a friend. I think you’re letting the later override the former.
Whether one is simply a reporter, or one has earned the higher status and leeway of a columnist in the journalism business credibility is of the utmost importance. Integrity and honesty are important. Chuck has, in my opinion, chosen to ignore his responsibility to those concepts on multiple occasions. The supposed hiring of the Eastern Ky BBall coach, in my opinion, should have been the last straw. Marshall should have cut Chuck off then.
As to whether Chuck should be fired or not, that is between him and the HD. Certainly terminating a person’s employment is always a draconian action, but sometimes such actions are necessary. Chuck is 64-65 years old and has been employed most of his adult life. Were he to be fired his isn’t going to living out of his car. He has chosen to be in the situation he is in by the things he has done.