Hopefully, this project comes to fruition and that all elements in the city get behind it. However, some of the negativity is natural and stems from the fact that people in Huntington have experienced these GRAND ANNOUNCEMENTS BEFORE and have been disappointed when, POOF, the proposed big projects disappear into thin air.
Example. How many of you remember the proposed Marshall Commons project, set out by then MU president Dale Nitzschke (sp.) over 30 years ago? A mixed use housing, for MU students and others, and retail complex along Third Avenue. Deep sixed real quick, apparently the Pres didn't have the approval of some of the good ole H-town "movers and shakers" on board, including some in city government. Maybe he also had opposition from some of the long established businesses in the area, like Glaser's Beanbag Emporium, which still manages to exist (unfortunately) and plod along in its stuck-in-the 70s form.
Example. Remember the more recent, last 10 years, Third Avenue project announced by a Lexington, KY developer(s)? Was to be on ACF property and included, hotel/conference center, a governmental agency facility/building, and some of development was for MU usage, including, I believe, a baseball facility. Even got approved for big funds from State of WV development office but then went south when developers struck out in obtaining private financing.
We could also mention the years/decade(?) as city officials stumbled, bumbled and otherwise screwed up the much ballyhooed "Super Block" in downtown which, we all now know, ended up as the Huntington Mall- - -IN BARBOURSVILLE!!!!!
And as for Roanoke. Well, look at history in the last 60-70 years. Check the 1940 census figures for Roanoke, Johnson City, TN, and Huntington. All 3 old time traditional railroad towns, Huntington being the larger. When the interstate system started in the 50's-60s, all 3 had interstates that BYPASSED their downtowns- -I-64 in H-town and I-81 in JC and Roanoke. Yet today, folks, JC has a population of around 70,000, Roanoke over 90,000, and H-town less than 50,000, and still falling. In 1940, H-town was larger than the other two. ETSU in JC has surpassed MU in enrollment, their med school, started by VA at same time as MUs, is ranked higher, they have established a larger pharmacy school, and the city overall is growing, new roads, businesses abound, etc. As for Roanoke, well Carillon Health and VA Tech have developed a rather impressive medical and research complex downtown, which still has a viable downtown mall despite competing mall complexes on the city's outskirts. Roanoke has upgraded its roads in the city much more than Huntington has over the years and there is NO Comparison as to the availability of the housing stock, quality wise, between the two cities. And if you remember the old Southern Conference bb tourney, then you should know that Roanoke's Civic Center complex is light years ahead of the Super Store Red Barn in H-town! Sure, these other two have problems: Norfolk Southern has announced the move of hundreds of well paid employees out of Roanoke, another sure sign that its bread and butter revenue days from hauling coal out of WV and elsewhere are over, and not coming back anytime soon.
But in last 50 plus years, these other two cities HAVE GROWN, HUNTINGTON HAS DECLINED. Other two have had real business and governmental leaders! Huntington? Well, its insular, inbred mentality resulted in city "leaders" wringing their hands and saying the woe is me lament that "the interstate is outside town and this hurts us", or "everybody in Charleston hates us", etc., etc.
So folks in Huntington better hope these latest "home run" projects will start to pan out and get the city turned around. The city cannot afford another "bust" or fictional project that promises much and delivers nothing!! Further failure and decline CANNOT BE AN OPTION- - -for the good of both the city and Marshall!!