Setting prices is a tricky thing. Let's say that the average ticket price, including required donations, is $50. If we average 25,000 that means $1,250,000 per home game. If we drop that average to $40 then we need 31,250 average to make the same money. I'm not sure we pick up 6,250 fans per game with that level of price difference, that's a 25% increase.
The response to that is "don't drop all the prices, just make some sections cheaper". That's a possibility, but if you start to create too much of a price division you risk some people not seeing the value in a $40 seat versus a $15 dollar seat, you don't pick up enough new buyers and see revenue drop as existing customers opt for cheaper alternatives.
I still think they need to remove the top bleachers in the endzone and extend the deck all the way back to the alley. On top of that deck you build two levels of luxury boxes, something where demand exceeds supply while reducing the product where supply exceeds demand. By doing this you create a covered "party deck" under the new boxes. Control access to it to Big Green members, sell beer and concessions with picnic table seating.