This is pretty cool.
My original idea was generated back in 2010 when I first desired to tinker with video editing software. I tried to put together a highlight video set to music, and I couldn't find hardly any clips online to use.
I just felt the need to get Marshall visible online. I never expected people to enjoy watching a 30 minute long highlight video. I was only trying to create a source file others more creative than myself could use. Basically filtering out anything that couldn't be useful on a highlight reel.
I would say currently marshallz13 is putting in more work. Mine are long, mundane tasks of just chopping up the game, but it takes a lot more effort to put it to music, and add transitions/effects. Thank you very much marshalz13 for all the hard work, and making use of what I have thrown online. I can show anybody how to download my videos off YouTube. Please continue to make use of them.
**I still need to do one of all the touchdowns from last year, but haven't got around to it.