yes, from a purely fb comp level and simply playing different/more exciting teams coupled with the regionalism of opponents for travel and soforth, the sched thru 2021 is damned near perfect for us in about every aspect. since maintaing as many home games as possible is a/the main factor, the first slot in 2020 may be the only realistic chance at another payday (and then again in 2022).
from a political or ideology perspective;
i believe i've heard pundits say that some P5 conferences have discussed phasing out or limiting, to some extent, G5/FCS competition (keep the $ in the P5, and get the piece of the pie equal to the revenue we generate as an individual brand/conference brand). Whether or not this is even feasible or could truly become reality is yet TBD. perhaps the P5 could succeed in sustaining itself as isolationists as i'm sure the G5 would, as well, having been forced to.
as has been said, for those who want to fight the trend, at possible costly risk, the G5/FCS would need a unified refusal to play P5s altogether even though it would take years to clear the calendar– I don't know how it would affect the P5s so-called power play or how it would affect G5s, in general. $ will decide simply because the G5s are racing each other as well, for that almighty access slot that seems will rarely if ever mean anything. given this lure of paydays, and the extreme odds of ever playing for a nat championship, safe to say the paydays will continue.
P5: “come play with us in our 100k stadium and we’ll give you our pocket change ($1 - 2M}.”
G5: “OK, but here’s the deal, you give us $5M/game and an additional G5 access slot with a real shot at the natty.”