I read an article two days ago that for me makes me wonder if all the power conference schools will make their final moves toward 16 teams each much sooner than expected.
With the Big 12 announcement of expansion, one line of thought is that now is the time to finalize this process over the next two years. So, just for fun, could the following happen:
(1) Despite the Big 12 announcing expansion of up to four teams, could they also lose three: Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, and Texas, to some combo of the Big 10 and the SEC or the Pac 12? And then those three conferences and the ACC finally figure out whom else they want to get from the Big 12 to ratchet up to 16 each, and create the 'Super 64' division or whatever it would be called?
(2) If so, the Big 12 dissolves from the continuous raiding process and just consumes most of the AAC? If yes, who becomes the new AAC? The new Big 12/ AAC 2.0 likely wouldn't have a chance to go to a 16 team conference with P-5 status due to the quality of who's left.
(3) So then, does the 'new Big 12/AAC 2.0' get together with other conference commissioners and form a previously-talked-about alliance, in some combo, with Mountain West/WAC/CUSA/MAC/Sun Belt, form its own subdivision (would rather that not happen), develop its own cross-conference scheduling, and force P-5 schools to just schedule each other from here on out for OOC games - or at least drive a harder bargain for those games? And that might eliminate some natural rivalry games in the short-term until the P-5 champion regularly has around 2 losses or so, and people begin to complain.
Many of you will see the micro implications better than me, I'm more interested in the macro for now. I'm not trying to think it all through for now, so have at it with scenarios for how fast this Super 64 will happen in light of the Big 12 expansion.