Author Topic: Post Spring Game  (Read 2411 times)

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Offline BigJimslade

Re: Post Spring Game
« Reply #50 on: May 01, 2024, 03:48:11 PM »
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  • I just need someone to tell me why I should still care about football as much as I did.

    I have season tickets and a west lot pass. I?m at every home game 4 hours before kick off to set up and tailgate. I?ve given 4-5 figures to the Big Green every year for the last 20 years.  I?ve missed two home games since I moved back in 1999 and have traveled to almost all the MAC and CUSA stadiums along with most of the road money games.  I always went to the signing day events and many of the BG coach lunches when those were a regular thing. I?ve been pretty darned committed.

    Here?s the changes that have turned me off, some Marshall?s fault, some way beyond our control:

    First - we got boring to watch when Pruett left, at least on offense.  Outside of the 2012-2014 period we have been pretty sad offensively for 20 years. A win is a win, but 38-35 is a heck of a lot more fun than 10-7.

    Second - when they added the early signing period it took a lot of fun and interest out of that part of the process.  I used to follow recruiting a lot. Kept me engage from the end of the season through February.   I started to lose interest because it seemed only about half of Doc?s top recruits ever made it to campus so verbals lost their meaning.

    Third - what I personally call the ?Ashton Hall Effect?. If you remember Ashton, cool, if not he was a guy that was here his whole career, took a while to get playing time, turned out to be a good contributor. Not spectacular, but I loved the kid. He always had a smile, always played and practiced hard, and just seemed to be a great kid. At his last game I thanked him for his time at Marshall and his first thing was to thank me for supporting the program and giving him the opportunity to play college ball.  Those are the kind of players I can be invested in and care about.

    Fourth - closing the program off from the fans. Closed practices, zero info. How do you care about something they actively try to keep you away from?  Pruett seemed to be able to win with open practices. Because I would go to some practices I actually knew the roster, knowing who the players are connects you to them.

    Fifth - transfer portal and NIL. If amplifies everything above. Spring ball is over and I probably can?t name more than 15-20 players on the team when I used to be able to tell you 1-99 by name & number. Why should I be invested in hired guns that don?t care about the school, the fans, or anything but themselves?  Why follow recruiting when those guys won?t be here in a year or two anway?

    Agree 💯.. especially numbers 4 and 5
    Doc and Huff acted act like they are running a top secret CIA operation.. it makes their job easier as they do not have to socially interact.
    Press Conferences are a complete bunch of BS as it is all softball questions and cliche answers
    « Last Edit: May 01, 2024, 09:23:48 PM by BigJimslade »

    Re: Post Spring Game
    « Reply #50 on: May 01, 2024, 03:48:11 PM »

    Offline s1uggo

    Re: Post Spring Game
    « Reply #51 on: May 01, 2024, 06:26:06 PM »
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  • i wish someone would've told DD & huff that!  they oughta know CS pretty well by now, & neither 1 can seem to get enough of him, unfortunately.  & i doubt they had to ask CJ twice if he'd like to take over MBB, either. 🤔
    Biggest reason is, non of them work for CS. They answer to the president

    Re: Post Spring Game
    « Reply #51 on: May 01, 2024, 06:26:06 PM »