Author Topic: Q and A with Pruett  (Read 5651 times)

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Offline carolinaherdfan

« Reply #25 on: January 18, 2005, 09:31:28 PM »
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  • I don't care who you are.  Other than you're negative, constantly fault finding pathetic posting's; I believe you either don't know what you are talking about, or you are prejudiced toward the University, and possibly a racist to those who are less fortunate, and/or disenfranchised in our society.  Coach Pruitt with his big heart cares about these people.  He reaches out to them, and offers them an opportunity to be loved, and part of a family.  Many of whom would never have had this opportunity in their life if it were not for visionaries like Bob Pruitt.  If he goes 6-6 for the next ten years his contribution to human lives is greater than any other program that I am aware of taking place in WV at this present time.


    « Reply #25 on: January 18, 2005, 09:31:28 PM »

    Offline HERDUSA

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    « Reply #26 on: January 18, 2005, 09:51:44 PM »
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  • Quote from: "carolinaherdfan"
    I don't care who you are.  Other than you're negative, constantly fault finding pathetic posting's; I believe you either don't know what you are talking about, or you are prejudiced toward the University, and possibly a racist to those who are less fortunate, and/or disenfranchised in our society.  Coach Pruitt with his big heart cares about these people.  He reaches out to them, and offers them an opportunity to be loved, and part of a family.  Many of whom would never have had this opportunity in their life if it were not for visionaries like Bob Pruitt.  If he goes 6-6 for the next ten years his contribution to human lives is greater than any other program that I am aware of taking place in WV at this present time.


    Wow such venom, what a laugh especially the part of " any other program in WV" considering there is only one other thats funny. Visionaries look out for more than themselves by the way. Im no more prejudiced towards the university than anyone else is or towards any particular group of people , in fact if anything I personally do more for minorites than most of you could begin to believe or understand so dont throw the race issue out here ok. Problem is I see things as things really are not what a few want so many to believe or be duped into believing. There is nothing worse than people who can not think for themselves, people who are led around by a few others, just open your eyes and try to think , at some point if you look and listen your going to see things as they really are. Dont fall for the lines that are nothing more than words to make others look good if only in their own eyes.

    Oh one more thing if you are going to get into a discussion about a guy at least learn how to spell his name correctly PRUETT not PRUITT


    Offline Marco

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    Q and A with Pruett
    « Reply #27 on: January 18, 2005, 09:53:50 PM »
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  • we know  who you are you jack weenie.

    why don't you get lost.

    his comments about moss show him to be a clueless mouth running idiot.

    heck, so what about ND and FSU.  he never got into ND, he wasn't booted for behavior there.  they didn't admit him after a high school fight.  that high school fight landed him on probation.  he didn't get  kicked out of FSU for any behavior there (he did actually go there for a spring and dominated the practices).  he failed a drug test that was only given due to his probation back in WV.  when he failed that, he went back to the pokey and he was booted from FSU.

    you are a first class %^&* idiot.  

    here's hoping you are shown the door pretty soon.  this is a cool herd board.  no goondicks allowed.

    Offline HERDUSA

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    Q and A with Pruett
    « Reply #28 on: January 18, 2005, 09:57:19 PM »
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  • Marco....time for you to hit the sack little guy.

    Offline Marco

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    Q and A with Pruett
    « Reply #29 on: January 18, 2005, 10:00:09 PM »
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  • not that upset.

    you are an annoyance.  pure and simple.

    i'm sure you won't last long. :lol:

    Offline HERDUSA

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    Q and A with Pruett
    « Reply #30 on: January 18, 2005, 10:05:55 PM »
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  • Does momma know you talk like this , I was under the impression this board had some rules regarding language of course in your case with a limited vocabulary which you show off so frequently there must be an exception. Next to one other guy who post on message boards I dont think I have ever run into someone so easy to goad into blowing their stack.

    Offline Marco

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    Q and A with Pruett
    « Reply #31 on: January 18, 2005, 10:25:52 PM »
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  • what is that message board smack 101??  your momma and the talk?  time for bed.  man, that's good stuff.  you must sit and reread your stuff the way you return and edit it.  this is big big stuff for you, huh?

    as far as the language goes, wolf does has rules.  but you know, he and his moderator team have been known to allow some lattitude when a fool pops in begging to be kicked around (that be you).

    i guess, you set around getting your rocks off thinking we are totaling losing it and your just totally pissing us off.  whatever gets you through the day.

     you are an annoying little prick, i'll give you that.  but, as i said earlier, i'm sure you won't last long.  it's slow time anyway so you can help kill the time until banned.

    Offline Blade

    It's obvious you are either...
    « Reply #32 on: January 19, 2005, 05:57:17 AM »
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  • ignoring the facts or too stubborn to make them a part of your attack on Pruett.

    Fact is, every college program has its discipline problems and it's getting worse.

    I surmize from this thread that you not only want discipline in the program, you want it publically displayed.  A "hanging in the public square" kinda guy, huh?

    Well, as long as Pruett is at Marshall, it's not going to happen.  Discipline occurs within the team and stays within the team whenever possible.

    See, to Pruett, I honestly believe that these are his children.  Anyone that has them knows that discipline is the hardest thing to do.  It usually works best with positive reinforcement.  Otherwise it becomes abuse.  You don't just come in, spank the kids, send them to bed without dinner and start the whole process over.  You discipline with love so your children won't grow up to be some dolt that no one likes.

    Discipline is an act that has a very narrow margin of error.  Error on one side, you lose the kid.  The other, and you lose the team.  

    It certainly cannot be accomplished by someone on an internet board that obviously has no concept of discipline, received or delivered.

    What would you do if you were a fan of a program with real problems?  OSU or Colorado?  What would you have done as a fan of programs that should exude excellence in behavior?  A rape at Notre Dame?  Several arrests at Brigham Young?  The death penalty at Southern Methodist?

    Who knows, we may have found you hanging from the Touchdown Jesus.

    By the way, now that I brought the subject up, is there anything, anything at all,  I can do to turn you on to another program that doesn't sell its soul?  Duke or Vanderbilt perhaps?   :roll:

    Offline Mako

    Q and A with Pruett
    « Reply #33 on: January 19, 2005, 08:36:30 AM »
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  • Quote
    I see things as things really are not what a few want so many to believe or be duped into believing. There is nothing worse than people who can not think for themselves, people who are led around by a few others, just open your eyes and try to think , at some point if you look and listen your going to see things as they really are.

    Spare me the righteous indignation bit.  You see things through your own little prism just like everyone else.  I don't get led around by any posters on this board or anyone in the Marshall administration.  I look at facts and decide for myself.  So, let me edumacate you just a little.

    Let's assume the average football program has two players arrested each year.  Now, in Year 1, they have no players arrested.  In year 2, they have 3 players arrested.  In Year 3 they have 1 player arrested.  In Year 4, they have 4 players arrested.  In your world, there is an obvious trend and the program is out of control.  In reality, what you are witnessing is nothing more than statistical fluctuation around the mean and something that is to be expected.  It's like a basketball player that shoots 50%.  The only thing that would surprise you is if he always made one, missed one, made one, missed one.  Given enough shots, there should be streaks of 4 or 5 in a row made as well as 4 or 5 in a row missed.  

    When I look at Marshall, I don't see a program out of control.  I see a year in which we had more incidents than average but I don't come close to seeing enough data to make me think it's a trend.  If it happens for 3 ro 4 years in a row, then yes, it probably is a trend.  But, one or even two bad years does not a trend make.
    "Our founding fathers ... drafted a charter to assure the rule of law and the rights of man, a charter expanded by the blood of generations.  Those ideals still light the world, and we will not give them up for expediency's sake." - Barack Obama Inaugural Address

    Offline Marco

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    Q and A with Pruett
    « Reply #34 on: January 19, 2005, 09:24:59 AM »
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  • come on mako, this is big stuff.....these kids were out in bars while in college........and some fights broke out too!!!!!!!!  i'm just waiting for the movie

    Offline Mako

    Q and A with Pruett
    « Reply #35 on: January 19, 2005, 01:56:12 PM »
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  • LMAOOOOOO Marco.  I got a belly laugh out of that one.  I know it will shock some folks that 18 and 19 year old males get in the occasional bar fight and it will shock them even more to hear that some of these bar fights revolve around - gasp - women.
    "Our founding fathers ... drafted a charter to assure the rule of law and the rights of man, a charter expanded by the blood of generations.  Those ideals still light the world, and we will not give them up for expediency's sake." - Barack Obama Inaugural Address

    Offline Chris884mu

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    IMO it's all how you handle it
    « Reply #36 on: January 21, 2005, 12:02:48 PM »
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  • Yes things are going to happen but how you deal with it sends the message.

    I understand and agree with Pruett to a large extent. But he also should remember that the players ARE young men and not boys.  They are old enough to take responsibility for their actions....and suffer any consequences of such actions.  That's is how it will be when they leave Marshall.  Anything less now is not doing them any favors.  The 1st thing I would tell any new class of players is you wil be treated like men..if you want to act and be treated like a kid you should quit or transfer now because you are not going to enjoy your experience here.

    Have some rules. Have consequences when rules are broken.  Make sure rules apply to everyone. If they don't like it invite them to go elsewhere.  Doesn't mean people don't deserve 2nd chances, but they have to EARN any 2nd chances by suffering consequences (by whatever standard is laid out) and correcting their behavior.  Part of earning a second chance is behaving in a way that would make the coaching staff believe a player is committed to the standards set forth.  Just like on the field...if you set lower expectations than you can expect low results.  I love what Lou Holtz says "I didn't choose to suspend chose not to play by your selfish actions"

    I don't care how good you are you are not "entitled" to anything.  Marshall can give you an athletic scholrship but you have to "earn" your degree.  You also have to "earn" playing time and that is not soley determined by what you do between the white lines.  Once they understand that and know you are concerned about their well being the real "men" will respond.

    IMO it's all how you handle it
    « Reply #36 on: January 21, 2005, 12:02:48 PM »