I bet people would watch it if marketed correctly. The network could show blunder clips of college football throughout year. I mean, if sports is really suppose to be entertainment I see no reason why not.
Quite a few years back the Reds mgt stated that fans shouldn't get all worked up when team loses as the entertainment experience is part of the fun. My response to that was "fine with me....than don't walk Barry Bonds....instead throw him BP gopher balls and let us see how far he can hit it. Or let a fan from stands run out a home run once a player hits it....full beer in hand, and heckling the opposing pitcher the entire way."
Want to make soccer fun to watch? At random times during game put 2 balls in play and don't enforce offsides during that time.
This isn't a shot at MU, but any of those would likely have been more entertaining than MU's snoozefest bowl vs UConn 8)